Tuesday, 6 February 2018


SAP PS - Project Systems module can update the business frames from project planning through to completing the effort and handles Organizational Units and Project Cycle, Materials and Services, Scheduling, Project Structures, Planning and Budgeting, Execution, Period End Closing and so on.
It enables associations to manage all SAP projects huge and little scale projects adequately. The Project Manager has an assignment to guarantee that these projects are executed within budget and time and to guarantee that assets are distributed to the project according to the necessity.
Prior to a project is started, it is required that project objective is obviously characterized and the exercises are organized.
The integration between SAP Project System PS with SAP ERP R/3 application modules enables you to plan, design, and execute the projects as a major aspect of your normal project method. Subsequently, Project System module has the consistent data access to every one of the offices associated with the project.


SAP PS – What is a Project?

A Project is characterized as a temporary endeavor to make a product or to provide a service.
Projects have the accompanying qualities: 

  • Projects have a defined goal, which is concurred between the organization and client and is defined in Project Charter.
  • Projects are unique, complex, and conclusive in scope and include a high certain risk to execute and finish on time.
  • Projects have characterized quality necessities.
  • Projects have conclusive cost, duration, and assets to work on the project.

Projects are defined as a part of the interior procedures of an organization. To execute the tasks in a project, you need to get an organizational form that is particular to the project and which is shared by every one of the divisions included.

You ought to define the project goal unmistakably to complete project completely and the exercises to be done must be organized.
You can define project structure:
• According to the association structure.
• According to the defined processes

Work Breakdown Structure

This is the initial phase of project planning to define work breakdown structure to isolate the exercises into tasks. The kind of tasks and exercises to be defined varies according to extend unpredictability and type of project client based or internal project. 

In SAP Project system, you defined the exercises and individuals in the project in a type of Work breakdown structure WBS. 

Project Planning additionally includes the sequence of tasks to be performed and which tasks are dependent on each other and which tasks can be additionally separated into smaller tasks. In SAP Project system, a sequence of tasks is defined in the form of Network in project planning.

Maintain PS Types

A Project type is utilized to gathering or classifies the projects as required. For instance, capital projects required. For example, or IT development projects. 

A Project type is likewise utilized for reporting, building approval and for making hierarchies and network in project planning. It can likewise be utilized for creating client necessities, i.e., utilization of BADI for WBS settlement rule determination based on project type as a parameter. 

By defining PS types for PS texts in SAP system, this encourages you to append the content in project builder and this content can be used in projects.

Vintage IT Solutions is an exclusive SAP Online Training Provider whose core focus is to give best SAP education to SAP professionals and freshers who are looking for the better career in SAP. Sign up for SAP PS Training in Hyderabad and search the multiple opportunities open to a certified SAP PS specialist - today. Visit us for SAP Training in GurgaonSAP Online Training in MumbaiSAP Online Training in MumbaiSAP Online Training in Bangalore and also SAP Training in  New York USA, Pune, Noida, Delhi, India, London UK, UAE, Australia, Canada, Singapore.

Although SAP PS is most important ERP SAP module used by an organization, there are also other important modules which are best for starting your career in SAP. SAPVITS provides training courses for all SAP functional and technical modules. These courses include:

1.                  SAP FIORI Online Training in Mumbai
2.                  SAP ABAP Online Training in Pune
3.                  SAP UI5 Online Training in Hyderabad
4.                  SAP Success Factors Online Training in SanFrancisco
5.                  SAP Simple Finance Online Training in Hyderabad
6.                  SAP Simple Logistics Online Training in Bangalore
7.                  SAP MDG Online Training in India
8.                  SAP APO Online Training in Chennai

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